How to Draw Grogu


In this lesson I want to show you how to draw Grogu. With this step-by-step guide, you will train your creativity and have a good time.

I decided to dedicate this lesson to drawing a fictional character from the Star Wars television series, and now you will learn how to draw Grogu.

The Grogu has a short stature, a broad head and large ears that stick out to the sides. The Grogu skin has an unusual green color. The Grogu is wearing a long cloak with a wide collar.

I hope you enjoy drawing this unusual character. A simple instruction that includes nine steps will help you with this.





Coloring supplies

Time needed: 30 minutes

How to Draw Grogu

Draw the head.

First draw the wide oval-shaped head.

Depict the ears.

Draw the upper contour of the ears and draw the lower contour using curved lines.

Add elements of the muzzle

Draw the large eyes, and add the small nose and mouth.

Sketch out the collar.

Use a few jagged lines to depict the wide collar.

Add the rest of the clothes.

On the sides draw the sleeves and add the rest of the outline of the clothes.

Draw the hands and detail the clothes.

Depict the fingers large on the hands. On the clothes, draw two longitudinal lines.

Correct inaccuracies.

Take the eraser and carefully remove the extra lines on your drawing.

Color the drawing.

Color the skin in green, color the clothes in gray. You will also need pink and black.

It was a fascinating lesson on how to draw Grogu. I would love to read your feedback on this tutorial. As usual, at the end of the lesson, I have prepared a link for you where you can download a PDF file with a short version of the lesson. Save this file and draw at any convenient time.

The post How to Draw Grogu appeared first on How to Draw for Kids.